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After browsing the FAQs below click here to get started.

  • Are discount card fundraisers easy?
    Discount card fundraisers have a reputation for being one of the easiest tried and true fundraising products. They sell fast and also give your donors significantly more value than expensive popcorn, chocolate, candles, etc.
  • How do I sell the cards?
    In Person We will print and ship you traditional plastic cards. These are just like traditional discount cards, but also instruct donors how to access their deals through the app. These cards are good for closing the sale right then and there in person. We will provide you materials and resources (plus your 24/7 rep) to make sure selling the cards is easy whether its your first time or your 10th year in a row. Online We will also create a custom web link for your participants to sell online. This URL can be sent via text message, email, social media, etc. Here your donors can see the deals on the card and purchase their Glass Card to support your fundraiser. You can even track who on your team made which online sale! Also, no need for shipping or deliveries! This online purchase will give donors an unlock code and instructions how to download the app and activate their digital card.
  • What is your "Highest Profit Margin Guarantee"?
    We constantly monitor competitor prices to make sure ours are the best. If a competitor tries to go lower behind the scenes let us know so we can beat it! Seriously...
  • How much does it cost?
    We confidently provide the most deals... with the best savings... on the best cards... at the lowest price to you. If we're not already the best value then we will beat anything else with our Highest Profit Margin Guarantee. Highest Profit Margin Gaurantee: We constantly monitor competitor prices to make sure ours are the best. If a competitor tries to go lower behind the scenes let us know so we can beat it! Seriously... Another note on pricing: There are ZERO upfront costs-- not even a dollar! Everything is included with no extra shipping fees, print fees, extra color fees, trickery fees, etc. We'll just send an invoice for our portion of the sales at the very end of your fundraiser. The price per card depends on how many cards you order. A price chart can be found here:
  • What deals will be on my card?
    Your cards will come with both local deals and access to our national deal network. Enabled by the app, our fundraiser cards can hold more deals and more value than virtually any other fundraiser card in the country. We are not limited to what we can physically fit on a small plastic card and so that means MORE DEALS! Additionally, we are not limited to hole punching or tear-aways to track uses so that means MORE DEALS and MORE USES PER DEAL! Most deals are even unlimited uses! LOCAL DEALS Before we start building your card we will ask you to take 1-2 minutes of your time to fill out an online merchant wishlist. Here you can list all of the businesses you want to see offer a discount on your card. You can choose any national franchise or local business in your city that you want and we will do the work to get participation for your card. We cannot promise that every business on your wishlist will agree to participate, however, we are the best in the industry at getting legitimate discounts for fundraisers. We don't charge businesses for their participation plus our reputation helps us to have relatively good success as we work with your local business owners to get deals for your card. NATIONAL DEALS On the app you will see all of your local deals, but you will also have access to 10,000+ more deals! Essentially, you get to share deals with all Glass Card fundraisers across the entire country on the largest fundraising deal network.
  • What deals are national? Who do you already work with?
    After having helped 1000s of people fundraise we have worked with almost every big name franchise in the United States. Chick-Fil-A, Dominos, McDonalds, Dairy Queen, Taco Bell... you name it! Your card will unlock all of the deals we have secured for every fundraiser in the country! Our discount network is one of the largest (probably THE largest) legitimate fundraising deal networks! Don't worry, our deal network is not full of deals like "10% cashback on". SCAM WARNING Across all of our fundraising groups we have 10,000s+ partnerships with individual business owners around the country. This does not mean, however, that we have deals to every location for every franchise. No legitimate fundraiser card can do this. With this said, we want to echo a scam warning raised by many of our top franchise associates. For example, Dominos states on their website: "It has come to our attention that a number of companies and individuals have been selling fundraising cards that claim to entitle the card holder to a discount or some other special offer from Domino's Pizza stores. These cards often contain Domino's Pizza logos and marks, without our permission. While these cards may look authentic, neither the cards nor the companies selling them are in any way affiliated with Domino's Pizza LLC, and the cards might not be accepted at your local Domino's Pizza store." We echo this same warning! If any fundraising company claims to have national deals to every franchise location claiming a national partnership it is likely a scam. They usually just take deals from online and hope most employees don't ask questions. This is a recipe for a negative customer experience from your donors. So, how does Glass Card have a national deal network? All of our deals across the country have been authorized on a local level by local management. We have so many deals because we have been doing this for a long time. Our network expands with every new fundraiser we host.
  • Can I reorder more cards?
    Yes. You can order more cards at any quantity.
  • How does making residual income work?
    You will sell your fundraiser cards your first year doing a Glass Card fundraiser. These first cards will expire after one year. When they expire your donors will receive app notifications and an email prompting them to renew their card for another year to further support your group. Glass Card will use these tools to re-sell itself earning your group automatic income in future years.
  • Can unsold cards be returned?
    Unfortunately, no. Collecting deals and building a valuable card in your area is costly and time consuming. Both the deals and app codes were created for your group specifically so we cannot accept returns. This is how we can guarantee your discounts will actually be honored by your local businesses.
  • Do the cards expire?
    Glass Cards expire 1 year from the day a person activates their account. A HUGE benefit of Glass Card fundraisers is that you can keep your inventory on hand and not have its expiration tick away until you sell it. You can sell some cards now and the rest later this year and the donor who buys later this year will still have a full year to use it from their own activation date.
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